You've reached the blog where I will post my experiences from my solo backpacking trip through Europe in a total of 15 days. I hope you get some good information from this site. Don't hesitate to get in touch and post about your own experiences!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Travel Tip: Laundry

I received this tip from Julie in Tennessee:
A friend and I just returned from a trip to Japan, and what we learned along way can easily be translated to European travel. I used a XL Ziploc bag as a clothes washer, and it worked wonderfully! Just put in the clothes, add the soap and water (I had individual packets of Tide for sink washing), close the bag and agitate. It got everything WAY cleaner than just washing in a sink, and it made rinsing equally easy. When it was time to come home, I purchased about a dozen bottles of Japanese soda to bring home to friends, so I just put all the bottles inside the Ziploc bag to prevent leakage in case any of them came open during the flight. The bag folded down very small and was packed into an interior pocket, so it only took up room that would have otherwise been empty!

Seems like a good idea! I might do this is a backup. I will have to do laundry probably 2-3 times while over there and most areas I will be in will have easy access to a laundry room.

Ordered my Dell Mini 9!

I have just placed the order for a Dell Mini 9.

As much as I wanted to just take the iPhone, I could not talk myself out of having a full fledged internet browser. Since I am only going to go over with the first 3-4 nights planned and booked, I will need a way to make reservations on the fly. This thing will work perfectly and will fit in my backpack without the need for a full blown laptop.

For those of you interested, I do plan on converting this into a Hackintosh! :)