You've reached the blog where I will post my experiences from my solo backpacking trip through Europe in a total of 15 days. I hope you get some good information from this site. Don't hesitate to get in touch and post about your own experiences!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Europe 2009: The Map

Here is the start of a Google map. I'm still researching georss and how I can embed that data into this map.

Note: This map is a work in progress. It will be updated as we determine which places are a must. Green pins mean the destination is a go, yellow means the destination still needs to be ironed out. We'll eventually turn them green or red based on our decisions.

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patrick said...

I don't see Athens on your list.

Disappointing, Birk.

Unknown said...

Have you thought about a lay-over in Iceland? It's a pretty cool place. Iceland air also owns many of the hotels, so there is typically no cost-penalty for the layover.